Here are some events where you will find us over the next year:
Date: More to come soon!
Our Session:
Speakers Included:
Date: Jan 23-25, 2018
Event: National Council for Science and the Environment, 18th National Conference and Global Forum: The Science, Business, and Education of Sustainable Infrastructure
Location: Crystal City, Washington DC
Our Session: A Workshop on 'Partnerships for Building a Sustained National Climate Assessment'
Speakers Included:
Kathy Jacobs, University of Arizona and former Director of the US National Climate Assessment
Dr. Richard Moss, Columbia University and Chair of the Advisory Committee on actionable climate assessment
Dr. Virginia Burkett, Chief Scientist, Climate and Land Use Change, US Geological Survey; Acting Chair, Subcommittee on Global Change Research
Admiral David Titley, Pennsylvania State University, Center for Solutions to Weather and Climate Risk
Julie Cerqueira, Executive Director of the US Climate Alliance
Dr. David Reidmiller, Director, US National Climate Assessment, US Global Change Research Program
Dr. Anne Waple, Principal, Studio30k; Secretariat Director for the Advisory Committee on actionable climate assessment